Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Delirious Insomniac: Houses In Motion/Rhythmus Im Blut


First show at the new station.

Futurism Vs. Passeism - Mirror Coverage
Crazy Bitch In A Cave - Far From Sleep
Dead Trout - The Arab
Married In Berdichev - Late At Night
Koenji Hyakkei - Gepek
Lemon Kittens - In Wooden Brackets 2
Leopard Leg - Voices of Fallen Martyrs
Lili Z. - Blut
Caribou - After Hours
Butthole Surfers - Whirling Hall of Knives

Pierrot Lunaire - Plaisir D'Amour
Pekka Airaksinen - Ghandi - Freud
The Velvet Underground - After Hours
Asobi Seksu - Stay Awake
The Raincoats - The Void
KUKL -The Homecoming
Current 93 - The Great In The Small

Metamorphosis - Fire Gates
Attrition - Black Death
Freundschaft Plus Instruments - Vom Ertrunkenen Madchen
Das Synthetische Mischgewebe - Bwgei Yteicus
Futurism VS Passeism - Crystal Gazing
Asmus Tietchens - Wind Ohne Wetter
Holderlin - Waren Wir
Bernard Parmegiani - Accidents Harmoniques
Coil - Tenderness of Wolves
Nurse with Wound - Well, What D'Ya Know Henry
Zazou & Bikaye - Mangungu
Sussan Deihim & Richard Horowitz - Ishtar
Peter Principle - Le Maka
Aksak Maboul - Scratch Holiday

futurism vs. passéism

Tibetan Buddhist Rites from the Monastaries of Bhutan - In Praise of Genyen
Cultural Amnesia - Fetish for Today
Human Flesh - Hself Namuh
Nexda - Untitled
Helhesten - Dance Spasm
Haunted Fucking - All It's Teeth
Helhesten - Untitled
Laco$te - Worm Song of Emperor Dune
Die Todliche Doris - M. Röck: Rhythmus im Blut
PRADADA - Cheap Single
Zola Jesus - Rester
Jarboe - And I call Myself Hag
Victor Nubla - Realmente Quizas (Li Bido Lavame)
Problemist - Flight Panic
Pseudo Code - Missing Persons
Z'ev - The 9 Chambers
Weirdo Begeirdo - Dreamcatcher

1 comment:

Death Factory said...

Metamorphosis - Fire Gates.
i like this track .
From "Rising from the Red Sands"
cassette series. At least thats were i heard it.