Tuesday, August 14, 2012

ATTN: Bleeding Chimera of the Grinding Moon


RUNNING - Asshole Savant (excerpt)
Mortistork - Track 3 from demo CDR
Regression - excerpt from "The End of The Day" cassette
Zack Kouns - How did you  learn not to hold onto your body

KILT - excerpt from track 3 of Kitchen Sorcery CD
Blue Sabbath Black Cheer / Pig Heart Transplant - track 2 from untitled CD

Marlo Eggplant - Mastication
Dolores Dewberry - Plutonian Placenta
Garland Villanova - They Say, In Dreams...
CM von Hauswolff / Bryan Lewis Saunders - N2 Collection (excerpt)

XX Committee - Prayer Wells
Pacific 231 - excerpt from "Onanism 657Hz" cassette

Le Scrambled Debutante - excerpt from "Research Material" CDR
Hali Gali Halid - Mirela / Ne pitaj me
ONO - Veil

Thee Dudesses -  Excerpt from live performance July 18th 2012
Lavas Magmas - Into The Void
Alice Cohen - Color of the Sea

WORKDEATH - excerpt from "Mulberries Ripen and Rot" or "What I have Trampled on In Order To Stay Alive"
Diaphragm - Phantom Romantics
Bjerga/Iversen - excerpt from "Recovering Tiny Clumps of Truth from the Junkyard of Lies"
Guggenheim Doppelganger - Maniacal Trepidation
Sterile Garden - excerpt from "Composite" cassette
J. Soliday  - No Clock Solution
Developer - excerpt from split cassette with Mannequin Hollowcaust on Factotum tapes
Nundata - excerpt from "Red Moon" (from "Cold War" CDR)
Panther Modern - excerpt from "Cancer" off of "Sex Murders" CDR
Machismo - You Weren't Born Innocent

Maussade = excerpt from side B of "À JAMAIS, J'Y SERAI TOUJOURS" cassette

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