Friday, April 20, 2012

Arvo's interview with Dave Phillips at WFMU

Read an interview that I did with Dave Phillips at WFMU, in cooperation with Special Interests Magazine

Walking around with a mask on, breathing into remote loop pedals, and triggering various sounds of animals screaming over string samples, Phillips chiseled together a dizzying miasma of tragically unnecessary pain, graphically unrelenting death, and the intrinsically cruel nature of human condition, who in its “civilized” state, refuses to tend to the ugly corners of reality. It was still the most effective exhibition I have ever seen, and I think that Dave Phillips will be remembered as a shining example of someone who transcended academic circles and noise or music scenes alike.
As much as a call to action “message” is usually an added “bonus” to the experience that I prefer to pass on, Dave Phillips creates something that is larger than life, and leaves the audience member feeling cauterized, thinking that a mere art gallery, theater, or music club is dreadfully inadequate and insulting in its lack of scope unless it is in the middle of an inclement rainforest or a haunted slaughterhouse.

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